I'm currently working on Naruto Create A Character 4. I know it's LONG due but I have several other things in my life now (namely my girlfriend) that are delaying it. I'm just letting you know that I haven't died and I'm still working on it.
I'm making this one significantly better than the others by improving the interface. I'm now using arrows to choose the outfits and accessories. I know this will reduce creativity because you won't have the freedom to move any part anywhere, but I think that the reduce of clutter and better fits of items will more than make up for it. I've also included both a male and female body type so the clothes won't look as weird. Lastly, I've added in a "Random" button to create random characters (yes some look crazy but that's half the fun).
Below are some examples of what the random generator has created. There's just not alot of clothing to choose from as of yet but I still plan on adding EVERY MAIN CHARACTER into it, including some creations of my own and different facial expressions.
I hope my plans will run smoothly...
It's gonna be awesome maybe u could put some ANBU stuff in it?
I already have some, they're just not shown here.